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Beliefs & Policy

POLICY: The Jesus Saves Bible Church is a missionary organization primarily interested in the propagation of God's Word amongst the poor. It is interdenominational and international in outlook, indigenous in character, and independent of any ecclesiastical control. It is strictly fundamental, welcoming support from any fundamental quarter. Its short-term objective is the evangelisation of the poor masses through its principles and programme of operations and its long-term objective is to help nurture and build mission stations into fundamental separated, independent local churches.

PRINCIPLES: The Jesus Saves Bible Church is a faith organization run and patterned after the lords ministry (Matt. 4:23-9:38), which unfolded so beautifully throughout His Galilean Ministry. The Lord was interested in the total man (body, mind and soul) and the totality of his needs, and we should be no less. Of course, the medical education, and social relief measures are to complement the spiritual, which is primary and basic to all our approaches. Jesus Saves Bible Church does not make monetary appeals; but through prayer and faith we trust the Lord to supply all of our needs.

1. The Plenary Divine Inspiration of the scriptures in the original languages, being the supreme and final authority in faith and life?.

2. The Triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

3. The essential Diety and the real and proper, but sinless humanity of the lord Jesus Christ.

4. His birth of the virgin mary.

5. His substitutionary, expiatory death, in that He gave His life "a ransom for many".
6. His resurrection from the dead in the same body in which He was crucified and the second coming of the same Jesus in power and great glory.

7. Salvation, the effect of the sovereign grace of God in regeneration by the Holy Spirit and the Word, through faith, not of works.

8. The everlasting bliss of the saved, and the everlasting suffering of the lost.

9. The spiritual unity of all redeemed by His precious blood.

10. The necessity of maintaining, according to Gods World the purity of the church, in doctrine and life, and still believing the Apostles Creed to be a statement of scriptural truth, we therefore incorporate it in these articles of faith.

11. We believe in a believer's Baptism, through total immersion.


We invite all believers in Christ, to come every Sunday morning and take time to break bread with us as we remember the Lord's Death until He comes. (1 Corinthians 11:26)

Copyright 2012. Jesus Saves Bible Church. P.Ferguson Admin.

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